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09072011 The most notable beginnings of French furniture were during the Gothic period and many examples are documented in museums This period was marked by austere existence and high religious devotion The furniture of that time was nothing like the more romantic reinterpretation of the Gothic style in the 19 th century This revival produced the vast majority of the antique Gothic furniture we
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Vintage Style Modern Life with Leah Ashley Mismatched Dining MasterpieceAntique French Furniture Glorious Beginnings Antique Renaissance style dining room To most of us antique French furniture means furnishings from the 18th and 19th century so we conjure up mental pictures of that period This is rightly so because 18th century France was an amazing period of great innovation in design and the decorative
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And that is why we hesitate and regret to conclude this sketch of the glorious history of art in France by a description of the architecture and furniture
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Antique French Furniture Glorious Beginnings
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9 Jul 2011 Antique French Furniture Glorious Beginnings Antique French furniture has been collected copied and emulated around the world
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